Storage Auction Guide for First Timers : What to Expect

Maybe you’re curious about what it’s like to attend a self storage unit auction, but you’re also intimidated. We frequently receives phone calls from first timers who aren’t sure what to expect. About 30 percent of those attending self storage auctions in the Pittsburgh area have never actually been to a storage auction. So, if this is your first time, you aren’t alone!

So, who better to then Minnock (Rent-A-Space) to prepare you for your first storage auction? First timers, keep reading to learn what to expect! Here’s a little note before we start: In general, most storage properties share some common auction rules, but you should learn more about the specific guidelines for the auction you’re planning to attend. Storage auctions in Pittsburgh are no different.

self storage pittsburgh

Something To Think About

At many properties, you must be at least 18 years old to attend an auction. Sorry, young entrepreneurs! You’re required to completely empty the contents of the storage unit you win, and you won’t be able to use the storage property’s dumpsters. (In other words, do you have a plan?) If you fail to clean out your storage unit, you’ll not only lose your security deposit, you also won’t be able to attend future storage auctions. You must stay focused after your win. Why? You have a very short amount of time to clean out your storage unit. Typically, you’ll have only 24 hours to remove the contents. More time is sometimes given for larger, fuller units. If you get extra time, you’ll know that before the auction starts, which means other bidders will be more attracted to the unit. Buyers beware! You get what’s inside, like it or not. There are no refunds for dashed dreams empty computer boxes and an old Kordell Stewart jersey for auctions in Pittsburgh.

Necessities You’ll Need

Make sure you have cash. Not only do you need cash for paying for storage units that you win, but you’ll also need cash for the security deposit. Have a valid driver’s license or ID with you. You’ll need a photo identification to take part in an auction. Carry a lock with you. After your win, you’ll have to immediately secure your unit. Probably best to come with a truck. If you’re planning to buy something large, arrive in a vehicle that will accommodate your purchase. Otherwise, make plans to return soon in an appropriate vehicle. Remember, you have a short amount of time to remove the contents you won.

Now that you know what to expect before and after your first storage auction visit our site to see the next upcoming auction dates. Minnock’s Rent-A-Space offers three convenient Pittsburgh locations.